Camp Edina
Spend a whole day at the JCC Ranch Camp photographing a fun family, a beautiful Bat Mitzvah, games, and camp fire? Heck yes.
I had never been out to the JCC Ranch Camp before, it's a little over an hour drive from my house, but the drive was incredibly beautiful and to be honest, you feel like you're driving to the middle of nowhere. After several dirt roads, you end up back on pavement and all of a sudden, a sign appears: JCC Ranch Camp. I pulled in and drove down the dirt road to park just steps away from where the Torah service would take place.
We started the day with family photos and then went right into the beautiful Torah service where Edina's family members played all of the music!

After the service, everyone gathered for lunch and got ready for games..
Edina's guests were all separated into teams and given colored shirts to represent which team they were on. A massive soccer game was the beginning of the festivities. After that, they played relay games for several hours, spent some time chilling, and then gathered back up for dinner.

As the sun went down, the kids played more and then were invited for a camp fire Havdallah.
I loved this Bat Mitzvah and would highly recommend it for anyone who has kids attending the JCC Ranch Camp! It felt laid back, adventurous, and most importantly, FUN.