It was an exceptionally beautiful day for a backyard Bar Mitzvah

which, after all the rain we've been getting in Denver, was a huge relief!

Logan did a year-long program through Adventure Judaism out of Boulder, Colorado. The Rabbi spoke about the program and mentioned that all of their events are done outdoors because that's how we encountered the almighty.

When I arrived, we gathered the family for some portraits before the ceremony began.

Logan was so confident and had everyone laughing through his speeches.

I loved when he said that for his Shabbat project, one of the things he did was take a nap, because after all, Shabbat is a time of rest! He didn't seem nervous at all and I was so impressed with how he composed himself throughout the entire ceremony.

My favorite part of the ceremony is when the Rabbi took out the Torah.

This is the first time I've seen anything like this. The Rabbi un-rolled the Torah and had every person in attendance make a circle around Logan. Each person held a piece of the Torah as Logan read his Torah portion. It was incredibly beautiful.

They closed out the ceremony with speeches from the parents,

blessings, and havdallah. Then we took some more photos with guests and I was on my way! What an incredible thing to be a part of!

Thanks for checking out Logan's Bar Mitzvah Photos!